Century Age of Ashes erscheint später

Die Veröffentlichung von Century Age of Ashes für PS4 und PS5 wird sich verzögern, wie Playwing Ltd verkündet. Der Grund für die Verzögerung ist, dass das Entwicklerteam mehr Zeit benötigt, um sicherzustellen, dass das kostenlose Drachenkampfspiel den Qualitätsstandards entspricht.

“First, please accept our humble apologies. Some of you might be wondering why this delay is happening so close to release; please see below for further details. Pushing back a release is never pleasant, even more so when we know there is a huge number of players who are wanting to play on PlayStation platforms, and this will most likely be a turning point in the life of Century: Age Of Ashes. Passing certification on PlayStation – what we call ‘going gold’ – right off the back of the Xbox One release and the launch of the debut season, ‘A Shadow Over Skeld’ is a tough challenge. Therefore, we are going to need a little more time to ensure we meet the quality standards to ship on these two platforms.

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